Why story+Video matters


… grab their attention with flashy graphics, make it over the top, just get them to watch, and, oh by the way, the average human attention span is only 20 seconds, scratch that -10 seconds, scratch that -6 seconds!

Just make content, make it fast and put it out there, they said.

Well, it turns out they were wrong.

In this age of constant media saturation, some remarkable research has come to light. It has some reassuring news for us humans, overworked and overstimulated by the battle to get our attention in every way possible.

We may click, like, and view, but ultimately when it comes to actually feeling something, remembering something, or especially, caring for something, none of that really matters, and brands should pay attention. Why?

Because as it turns out, we are hard wired for story.


science and storytelling

Our work is informed and inspired by science.

Mirror neurons. Neural coupling. Oxytocin production.

These are not the kinds of things that marketers or filmmakers talk about, but they unlock some of the keys to why stories work better to convey just about anything.

It’s why we learned “My Very Educated Mother Served Us Noodles”, but a little more complex…

When we find the right characters, we identify with them. When we see a struggle or challenge we want to solve, we invest a part of ourselves into it. it’s called narrative transportation and it depends on one critical element of how we’ve survived as a human tribe for thousands of years:


Empathy is what makes a story authentic, and it’s the reason why we watch or care at all.

Lucky for us, stories that are authentic are what we love to do. This is why story matters, and why we want to help you find yours.


Quality video…

…is much more achievable these days. Better technology enables filmmakers to create stunning works of art, unleashing the power of cinema to the masses.

Yet the rush to create content quickly often slashes budgets, leaving the most critical and technical parts of storytelling to be done without proper tools or resources, and the stats are shocking…

62% of people are more likely to have a negative perception of a brand that publishes a poor quality video.*

60% of people said a poor online video experience would dissuade them from engaging with a brand across all of its social media properties.*

Publishing a poor quality video can leave a negative perception of a brand, and in fact, it can be worse than not publishing at all.

Lucky for you, quality video is what we do best.

*Source: OneSpot


Quality Results

The right story told well and filmed with the best tools available can galvanize an audience or community you never knew existed.

The right story can engage people in a matter of minutes, allowing them to join your cause, support your brand, or buy your product…

46% of consumers said they have made a purchase as a result of watching a brand video on social media.*

74% claimed there is a connection between watching a video on social media and their purchasing decision-making.*

If you tell your story well with video, you can find your tribe.

*Source: OneSpot


We will discuss your brand and business objectives to see how Think Story Films can help. Our process focuses on solid storytelling and beautiful cinematography.





2.Story Plan





Every company or organization is different. We perform in depth research, interview relevant people, and analyze all of your customer touch points. We work hand in hand with your leadership or marketing teams to align goals and dig into the right story.


Utilizing narrative transportation as our guide, we create a detailed Story Plan for your brand. This can serve as a stand alone asset to your company, or as a blueprint for the film-making process.


We dig into cinematic production at a scale that fits your budget. A production that follows the guidelines of a Story Plan is incredibly efficient in capturing what is essential, saving time, money and resources.

Phase 4: POST

With a clear plan and production process, “fix it in post” or “find it in post” is rarely heard at this stage. What works best for clients is to review, iterate, and fine tune a message that comes alive in the most tangible and universal form of communication…video!